Saturday, October 10, 2009
-American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: Kareem Shora Appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory..
-Reconciliation in Action: Arab Rights Advocate Joins Homeland Security Advisory Panel « The Washington Independent
-Obama Administration taps Southland Muslim for top post 89.3 KPCC
-Antonio taps homeland security deputy - LA Observed
-LA DEPUTY MAYOR ARIF ALIKHAN - Muslim Women - Religion, culture and Islam - - Albany NY
-OBAMA APPOINTMENT: Arif Alikhan, Asst Secretary DHS - Atlas Shrugs
What happened to global warming?
the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.
Labor Department comes clean about fake jobs
Labor Department uses something called the birth/death model
Obama in Afghanistan: Losing a War to Reassure his Re-Election
There is a reason for Obama's anger: He is more interested in winning the public relations battle than winning the war in Afghanistan, particularly since his possible presidential opposition in 2012 includes both Petraeus and McChrystal.
We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup
Impeachment suggested to remove 'threats' to America
ACORN tossed out Republican voter registrations
ACORN tossed out Republican voter registrations
How have they been getting away with this? Oh that's right...the lunatics are running the asylum.
How long can Democrats stand by Charlie Rangel?
Dunn slams Fox: 'Opinion journalism masquerading as news'
oh this is rich. I didn't hear her complaining about "all bad things Bush", did you? You can cut the hypocrisy with a knife.
"The County Sheriff - America's Last Hope"
hat tip to CJ's corner....
-The Sheriff Project - USA 1-911
" The beauty of The Sheriff Project is, NO legislation is required to take back our county. What is needed is to get Constitutionist Sheriffs elected, or awaken the current Sheriffs as to their true authority and duties.
A Sheriff election is one of the easiest to win, because it's at the county level, yet, as Sheriff Richard Mack has shown via the finding by Justice Scalia in Mack vs. US, the County Sheriff is under NO obligation of follow any edict or policy of the Federal Government.
Anita Andrews and Sandy McDade of The Sheriff Project have been managing and winning over 90% of their campaigns for 30 years (cumulatively). This new organization and strategy, if implemented nationally can set up a localized bulwark against laws violating sovereign rights and property. "
Please sign up for the call and forward this to your list . The more people involved in this, the better. The clock is ticking.
My hero!! Wish we had him here in Los Angeles.
Friday, October 9, 2009
-General's D.C. Trip Put Off as Strategy Talks Drag On
-Young Hamlet's Agony another astute article by Krauthammer
-Reich: U.S. Should Spend Much More umm...what kind of drugs is he on?
SENATE RACE FOR 2010- Who do we toss out?
most of them have to go.
*Hat tip to Carolyn
- Harry Truman
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Pope John Paul
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Winston Churchill
- Franklin D.Roosevelt
- Ronald Reagan
- George W. Bush- who liberated millions of Muslims.
- Maggie Thatcher
Need I say more?
How good is Sen. Max Baucus's health reform bill? So good that Democrats have made sure some of the most costly provisions don't apply to their own states.
The Senate Finance Committee is gearing up for a final vote next week, and Chairman Baucus now appears to have the Democratic votes to pass his bill. Getting this far has of course meant cutting deals, and those deals, it turns out, are illuminating. The senators are all for imposing "reform" on the nation, so long as it doesn't disadvantage their constituents
read it all.
Hat Tip to CJ's Corner
Well he's in good company as you will see by the list of the notorious anti-peace clowns below. And this list doesn't include many of the really notorious in history who were nominated for the Peace Prize. Adolph Hitler just to name ONE. Give us a break!
What is notable are all the people who actually contributed to peace who are missing. One immediately comes to mind....can you spell Ronald Reagan????
Hat tip to Powerline who does an excellent job of itemizing some of the recent recipients of this meaningless award: (and he didn't even include the bozo Al Gore!)
-2005 MOHAMED ELBARADEI (joint winner). He's done such a nice job with Iran.
-2004 WANGARI MAATHAI. The Kenyan ecologist peacefully teaches that the AIDS virus is a biological agent deliberately created by the Man.
-2002 JIMMY CARTER JR., former President of the United States of America. A true cosmopolitan, he has undermined the foreign policy of his own country and vouched for the bona fides of tyrants and murderers all over the world.
-2001 KOFI ANNAN, United Nations Secretary General. Among other things, they have respectively served as the vehicle for, and presided over, one of the biggest scams in history.
-1994 YASSER ARAFAT (joint winner), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority. He was a cold-blooded murderer both before and after receiving the award.
-1992 RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM, Guatemala. She is the notorious Guatemalan faker and author, sort of, of I, Rigoberta Menchu.
-1988 THE UNITED NATIONS PEACE-KEEPING FORCES . Notwithstanding rapes and sex abuse committed by the team in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and the Congo, still doing fine work all over the world.
-The president's rocky fortnight: Down in the valley The Economist
-The True Cost of the House Health Plan in Pictures- At $1.3 trillion dollars over ten years, most Americans will think the House plan will cost about $130 billion a year. They have been mislead. In reality, by 2019 the House health plan will cost $245 billion a year.
-Clinton Democrats are to blame for the credit crunch The Spectator
-Karl Rove: The GOP Is Winning the Health-Care Debate -
-How long can Democrats stand by Charlie Rangel?
-Looming Shortfalls for Germany's Health Care System
-Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood - Telegraph -oh, I think we understand just fine.
-Navy Ships Under Swine Flu Quarantine - CBS News -were they vaccinated?
-Pajamas Media » The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
-Roland Burris Defends ACORN, Says 'Fox Sting' and 'Agendas' to Blame -- Politics Daily#
-YouTube - Big Bird calls bullcrap on Michelle Obama and her husband the president!
-FRC: Hate Crimes Bill to be Slipped into Defense Budget -hat tip CJ's Corner
-Barack Obama, College Administrator by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online -hat tip CJ's Corner
-Part Ii: Presidential Documents » Federal Register [FR Doc E9-2488] hat tip to Steve
-Power Line - Does the "B" in Obama's Plan B for Afghanistan stand for Bush?
-Power Line - Fair and Decent? thanks to Obama, many don't think America is a very good country anymore. Ass.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
-C.I.A. Climate Center Irks Barrasso
-US demands international criminalization of blasphemy against Islam-Poll: Majority in U.S. would back attack to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons
-Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Ask Senate To Postpone Bernanke Confirmation
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
-The Green Depression
-YouTube - PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography this is really important for the Republicans to understand. I've been saying this for years!
-Judge orders (Obama presidential qualification) trial to commence on January 26, 2010 THIS should get interesting! Discovery, anyone?
-Financial Earthquake Coming as Boomers Retire
-Shouts, insults fly at Rep. Israel's health care town hall
-From Abroad, AF Wife Busts Okla. Crooks
-McChrystal's Comments: Insightful or Sedition?
-Sources: NYC Suspect Had Al-Qaida Contact hmmm...I thought there were hardly any Al Qaeda left, according to the Obama admin acolytes.
-Bill Ayers claims he wrote Obama's "Dreams From My Father but...but...I thought he said he barely knew the guy!
Links for Oct. 7
Hamas's Resilience, Obstinacy Complicate Mideast Peace Bid - but, but, but I thought the midway messiah can fix everything!
Obama's Gitmo blame game
Et Tu, SNL?
Pelosi says new tax is 'on the table' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Lieberman seeks to create whole new Israeli foreign policy Israel Palestine-Gaza Conflict Jerusalem Post
Coming Soon: $500 for Every Newborn? - Yahoo! News anything else I have to pay for? This is really getting insane.
The Muffled Oar: Anonymous DOJ Blogger Campaign Attacks Media and Critics
OnCenter: Kissinger's Take
Airport Security Concerns: France Warns of New Terror Threat From 'Body Bombs' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
10.6.09 - Glenn Beck Release
Worth Reading: 'Gay' sex morally good, says Obama pick