Saturday, January 23, 2010
Napolitano: U.S. Knew "Underwear Bomber" Was an Extremist
Incompetent Obama teeters on the edge
*Hat tip to Ercille
But where were all these people when all evidence pointed to his being not only inexperienced, but a Marxist? This is now news to them? They are as incompetent at their job as he is at his!
Friday, January 22, 2010
He Wasn’t The One We’ve Been Waiting For
*Hat tip to Ercille rats abandoning the sinking ship. Read the comments. With all their crying in their beer, it must be way too salty to drink.
Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome
by Michelle Malkin
From ALIPAC: Amnesty pusher John McCain is trying to rise to the top of the political revolution brewing in America. We must stop McCain and the looser brand names in the GOP that have done so much to destroy America.
If you would like to share your negative feelings about John McCain, how he is a traitor, how he is two faced, how he is a Globalist Amnesty pusher, or how you will not support those in league with him, etc...
Please contact Sarah Palin
Scott Brown
UN, London Surrenders to Taliban - Offers Hundreds of Millions in Booty, "Respect," Asylum, Travel, Removal from US List
*hat tip to Ercille
What is it about this human condition that we feel compelled to elect idiots to lead us? I am desperately trying to understand the rationale for this proposal of "cash for loyalty." I hope it works. I am not holding my breath. The UN is involved.
More on the Great Global Warming Hoax
*hat tip to Steve D.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has retracted its 2007 claim that the Himalayan glaciers are likely to disappear by 2035.
Army-sponsored report suggests new 'police force'
*Hat tip to Lake Lady
An overseas "situation" purpose? Possibly under UN control? Masquerading as an aid to our military? Could it be used domestically? Food for thought!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The fault line in Haiti runs straight to France
Massachusetts Voters' Message to Obama and Congressional Democrats
Climategate analysis
The Science and Public Policy Institute has published an analysis of the leaked climategate emails. This 149-page document takes the emails in chronological order and shows, with comments on each message, how science was perverted.
In the introductory material the report says:
The entire industry of "climate science" was created out of virtually nothing, by means of a massive influx of funding that was almost universally one-sided in its requirement that its recipients find evidence for man-made climate change—not investigate whether or how much mankind had caused climate change.
Many "climate scientists" built their entire careers on this funding; and so it is not surprising that they became so completely reliant on this conditional lifeline, that they became single-mindedly focused on achieving the ends for which they were commissioned—and viciously attacking any intruders who may threaten that lifeline.
Post Mass. Election Thoughts
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Everyone needs to know this! Amending Executive Order 12425
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
December 17, 2009
Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words "except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act" and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.
Don't believe me ?
From the White House website .
Hey Democrats....Can you Hear us Now???
Monday, January 18, 2010
Allen West: GOP Should Follow MLK's Principles
*From our friend Ercille:
Lt Col West is getting himself out there, and making sense, as usual!
Please save up the contributions and flood him with them, when you think that they will do the most good. I have to read up on this political campaigning stuff, because I have three candidates that I have my eye on. I pray that God will open up the financial floodgates so I can contribute as much as I can. I am not giving anything to the RNC, NRSC, but to individual candidates
Obama's Accomplishments in 2009
Obama's Accomplishments in 2009-First Ten Months'
*Hat tip to Steve U.
Quite an impressive list for being in office less than a year. I wonder what the next year will bring.
1. Offended the Queen of England
2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia
3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega
4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek
5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia
6. Sided with Dictator Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras
7. Announced that the U.S. would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions.... while they're building their nuclear weapons
8. Invited Russia to tour our "secret" nuclear facilities
9. Postponed addressing our U.S. Military's request for needed troops, in war time
10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian'
11. Quadrupled our national debt while expanding bailouts
12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM... a slap in the face to our allies in Europe
13. Released information on U.S. Intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors
14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes, several other nominees withdrew after they were investigated, and other appointees resigned after public pressure exposed their un-American leanings
15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation"
16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters"
17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership
18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us
19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce
20. Insulted all Police for doing their job of protecting citizens by insinuating that racism played a part when a white officer arrested one of his black cronies.... but a beer corrected this mistake
21. Saluted as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announced members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses
22. Allowed an unannounced low-altitude photo shoot of 'Air Force One' over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers
23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims
24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel
25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds and committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process
26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year
27. Encouraged nationalized health care "reform" that will hurt seniors on Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, fine Americans for being uninsured, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't 28. Flew to Amsterdam on tax payer money to (unsuccessfully) influence the Olympic Committee to hold future summer games in his home town of Chicago
29. Watched the US unemployment rate rise to an all time high while hiring more liberal "czars"
30. Relocated several suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay Prison to the "good life" on the island of Bermuda
31. Chose a dog for his family.... but not a Church
32. Took his family on several vacations, spending more than most Americans can afford in a life time
33. Was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing absolutely nothing
34. By his complete and utter disdain for our Constitution, Obama is doing everything in his power to destroy American's freedoms - the very things that make this country different and better than all of the other countries combined.
If Obama and his liberal ilk aren't stopped, this country will cease to exist as the United States of America that we have all grown up in and grown to love. Please use the power of the Internet to get this message out. Talk it up at the grassroots level. We have an election coming up in November where we can reverse the dangerous direction of the Obama administration and it's allies.
Obama TSA Nominee Sees Christians As Key Threat To America
But..but...I thought Obama was a Christian! Yeah, right.
Another Failed Presidency
*Hat tip to MaryEllen
The above link is an interesting article and I wonder how long Dr. Hunt can remain at NIH once the powers that be get wind of this article. Dr.Hunt is a social and cultural anthropologist. He has had nearly 30 years experience in planning, conducting, and managing research in the field of youth studies,and drug and alcohol research. Currently Dr. Hunt is aSenior Research Scientist at the Institute for ScientificAnalysis and the Principal Investigator on three National Institutes on Health projects. He is also a writer for American Thinker.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Obama Says Democratic Policies Hinge on Massachusetts
Cheating? ALREADY? I'm shocked....not.
...The SEIU has already been accused of illegal election tampering in this race, allegedly having sent an email to all State employees, on the State's internal email system, urging them to vote for Coakley. The Brown campaign filed a formal complaint regarding the admitted violation of State Ethics Laws but Coakley, as the Attorney General, has, as yet, declined to investigate those allegations.
No body seems to be able to find out why...but she was asked to voluntarily give up her license to practice law. These people are dirty from the get-go.
Something fishy in the state of Denmark....and Illinois.
*hat tip to Jeanne
*hat tip to Carolyn
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Thursday, 14 January 2010
For all their power-grabbing fascist arrogance, the Democrats in Washington are coming to resemble Mack Sennett's bumbling-fumbling Keystone Kops more with each passing day.
Republicans in Washington are in a certain kind of awe over the Dems' performance. Walk around the halls of Capitol Hill. You don't need name tags to identify the Pubs from the Dems. The former are walking with zest and smiling cheerfully - except when they cast a glance of astonished puzzlement at the latter shuffling dejectedly along and refusing to look at their cheerier colleagues in the eye.
How could everything go to hell so quickly? That's the question both are asking themselves. It is a mystery to both.
"I guess we really are in a state of shock and awe over what they have done to themselves," says a buddy of mine who's chief of staff to a principal GOP Senator. "I just hope we learn the right lesson from it."
The Dems had the whole enchilada, he said - solid control of the House and Senate, an enormously popular new president with a press that literally worshipped him, they had it all. You just can't ask for a more powerful setup in Washington. Yet in less than a year, they've thrown it all away - they've "shot their bolt," he said - and "the weirdest part, Jack, is they've shot their bolt while getting nothing for it."
"You think the TeaParty folks are mad at the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Gang?" he asked me rhetorically. That's just anger in a teapot compared to the cauldron of hate boiling the Left. One by one, he listed the Dem constituencies that are in a state of disgusted rage.
The unions are enraged at the Dems for not passing Card Check. The enviros are enraged at the Dems for not passing Cap & Trade. The Hispanics are enraged at the Dems for not passing amnesty for illegal aliens. The homosexuals are enraged at the Dems for not legalizing homosexual "marriage." And the moonbats across the board are enraged at the Dems for continuing the war in Afghanistan and being deeply in bed with Wall Street "fat cat bankers."
The last straw for all of them is the Dem "sell-out" on the full socialization of medicine via the "public option" now deleted from ObamaCare.
Typical, my buddy said, is a rant by a political science professor at Hofstra University, David Greene, who is so left wing he calls non"progressives"
(meaning anyone not a moonbat) "regressives". "All the (Senate) staffers are reading it - the Dems seriously, us for comic relief. It's hilarious - you've to see it, Jack."
So he called it up on his computer, and soon I was laughing my head off.
Greene starts off calling Zero a "little prick," and says he's so angry at him that:
"...the thing I want most from the 2010 elections is for his party to get absolutely clobbered, even if that means a repeat of 1994. And that what I most want from 2012 is for him to be utterly humiliated, even if that means President Palin at the helm."
He goes on to detail how ObamaCare is "a total train wreck" for the Democrat Party, both if it passes and if it doesn't. He calls ObamaCare "President Nothingburger's great gift to America, along with doing nothing about jobs, doing nothing about the Middle East, nothing about civil liberties, nothing about civil rights, and now doing nothing at Copenhagen (about global warming)."
This guy is seriously steamed (you can read the whole rant here) - and he speaks for millions of liberals (they call themselves "progressives" now) who formerly worshipped Zero and now hate his guts.
It's one thing for TeaPartyers and conservatives to despise Zero and his party. It's one thing for a majority of voters to say they would vote against him today. But for him and his party to be despised by his once most fervent supporters - that is an achievement of incompetence truly on a Keystone Kops level.
Perhaps the strangest aspect to all of this is the feeling of inevitable doom pervading Dems on the Hill. They know they're headed for disaster yet they keep marching toward disaster in lockstep anyway. "We've crossed the Rubicon" is the expression you now hear them all say, meaning there's no turning back from passing ObamaCare no matter what the political cost to them.
(The Rubicon river in northeastern Italy marked the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper which no Roman Army legion was allowed to cross. When Julius Caesar defied the law of the Roman Senate and led his army across the Rubicon in 49 BC, he initiated thereby a civil war to control Rome. At the time of the crossing, he uttered the famous words ālea iacta est , "the die is cast.")
Caesar thought destiny was on his side. The Democrats think doom is on theirs. They cannot understand how they have worked their way into this trap, where no matter what they do now, they're screwed.
The Republicans are happy about all of this, of course - but the happiness is superficial. It wasn't that long ago when they had the whole enchilada - the White House, Senate, and House under Bush - and that ended poorly.
My friend and I agreed -- Hubris teaches you the lessons of life the hard way.
And we agreed - "Hubris is what we have got to most avoid once the Dems implode," he said. "We've all read Peggy Noonan's ‘The Risk of Catastrophic Victory.' We've got to be, as she says, ‘worthy of victory.' I'm spending a lot of time thinking how we can be. All of us here are."
"By victory, you mean a Senate majority?" I asked. "A House majority this November is in the cards, but the Senate?" He fussed with what hair he had left on his head. "Well, the best in the business, Charlie Cook, is now saying the Dems could lose net nine seats in November, including Boxer. So maybe. But I mean something more catastrophic than losing their majority."
All I could do was make a grimace of incomprehension.
"You know those buildings that are demolished? They don't blow up, they blow in, the building collapses in upon itself and implodes. That's what may happen to the Democrats. And it may happen a lot sooner than next November."
I paused. "You mean...?"
"Jack," he explained, "if Brown loses next week in Massachusetts in the single digits, say by 8 or 9%, it's an enormous victory for us. If he loses by 5% or less, it's massive."
"And if he wins?"He answered with just two words: "Game over."
He looked at me intensely. "As in finita la musica, the music is over. These guys will turn on themselves with a viciousness you will not believe, Jack. Chuck Schumer will kneecap Harry Reid in a heartbeat, so we'll have a new Majority Leader. But Schumer is smart enough to realize the whole Democrat agenda is in ruins and that he can't blame it all on Reid. So the hunt will be on for the right scapegoat."
He let me guess. I took a stab. "The knives seem to be coming out for Geithner."
He nodded. "Yes, he probably will be tossed overboard by Obama - in order to save himself."
I looked at him like a deer looks into headlights. He belly laughed. "Jack, you look like you need a drink. Where did I hide that bottle of Famous Grouse you got me for my birthday?" He found it. He was right - I did need it.
"Jack - didn't you predict sometime last year there would be calls for Obama to resign? You just never thought they'd come from his own party!"
I was still trying to process this."
This is still a huge if, you know. The anger among the left against Obama is steadily building and it's going to blow sometime. The Democrats to save themselves will have to scapegoat him. If the Massachusetts Miracle happens next week, then the demands that he resign will start soon. If not, then the demands may not start until after the debacle in November. And they may never happen. But the odds are growing, my friend."
He smiled to himself. "You know they'll try to get us to join their call to ‘Resign!' We'll send them a smoke signal - ‘He's all yours, guys...' This could be a lot of fun."
He raised his shot glass. "Here's to our not screwing it up this time."
"I'll drink to that," I responded, and we did.