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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Woe is New Jersey

-Woe is New Jersey - Real Clear Politics –

Generation Obama Gets Shafted

-Generation Obama Gets Shafted

The FDIC says fund to backstop deposits fell into negative territory for just the second time in its history

-Lending Declines as Bank Jitters Persist -
Obama says the stimulus is working! Sure it's working just the way he wanted, it's working to destroy our economy and capitalism. I think we had better start stowing our savings under the mattress...not that it's worth anything anymore.

-Sharp drop in lending largest since 1984 -

Obama Poll Drops to New Low: 45%

-Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
why is it that high? He's destroying their country and 45% think it's groovy? Do that many Americans hate America?

Hidden gun control in Obamacare bill

-The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Health bill and gun ownership
*hat tip to Greg

New EU president confirms New World Order desire

-YouTube - New EU president confirms New World Order desire (19Nov09)
I'm really, I'm shocked! Well...not really.

Racing Toward Revolution? Racing Toward Revolution?
a house divided cannot stand
*hat tip to CJ's Corner

Marxist-run ObamaGov Declares Death of US Republic

*hat tip to CJ's Corner...

-Marxist-run ObamaGov Declares Death of US Republic

-The Marxist Democrats are Throwing Away Our America

Get Out of Our House

-Tom DeWeese -- Get Out of Our House (GOOOH)
*hat tip to CJ's Corner

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is some scary stuff

American Thinker: Cloward-Piven Government
From our good friend Dave Z...
This is some scary stuff. If you go to the web site there is a picture of Clinton signing the motor voter bill with Cloward and Piven standing behind him. z