-http://www.dakotavoice.com/2010/07/shirley-sherrod-confesses-her-racism-to-naacp/ *Hat tip to Kati It's refreshing to know that some people are beginning to fight back. The following link has more details about Sherrod- and at the very end of the article, there's a list of Related Posts (listed below). Interesting that the NAACP (imo - a communist front organization) is finally being slapped down in response to their ongoing attacks. Remember when I mentioned that I thought these groups infiltrate to "prove" racism.....? They do.
-Republican lawmakers gird for rowdy tea party Of course the Repubs are nervous. The Tea Party isn't much happier with the Repubs than we are with the fascist Democrats! WE, the people, are coopting the Republican Party because the old Republican establishment has destroyed the party. We are taking it back and making it the party of the people and the Constitution, and NOT the party of the ruling class.
So all you RINO's are OUT. Either retire now or become Democrats and admit you are the liberals you really are. Like Specter did... and Graham & McCain should.