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Sunday, November 15, 2009

FDNY against KSM being tried in NYC- SIGN THE PETITION

-TheBravest (Fire Department of NY) against bringing the terrorists to NYC for trial.
Recently, Congress voted down a bi-partisan bill that would have ensured that the terrorists who brought death and destruction to our homeland on September 11, 2001 would be tried as war criminals in military courts, not as common criminals tried in civilian courts with full Constitutional protections on American soil. The Obama administration has not been truthful with the public about the risks associated with bringing these cases in federal court, where critical evidence will be excluded, classified intelligence will be made available to our enemies, foreign counterterrorism partners will be exposed and the "mastermind of 9/11" will be allowed to mock his victims just blocks from where they died. has partnered with 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong and America and Keep America Safe to bring attention to this travesty. We are recruiting the families & friends of the FDNY to combat this ill-conceived policy of the current administration.

This week letters were sent to President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates questioning the wisdom of bringing these terrorists onto US soil to try them in civilian courts for their grievous crimes against this great country, including the murder of 343 New York City firefighters.

93 of them were my friends.

They were all my brothers.

I cannot stand by and let this happen without a fight.

Please read the
letter and CLICK HERE if you would like to add your signature.


rachel said...

I signed it and forwarded to everyone I know.

Dave said...

Apparently Major Hasan, a devout follower of Islam, was educated and received his medical degree from a college sponsored by the U.S. Military. This would be an honor for anyone to look forward to, obviously not Major Hasan.

Although he was a 'field grade' officer (majors, Lt.Colonels and full Colonels), and a practicing Psychiatrist (medical doctor) for the U.S. Army, he was heard by more than one fellow officer, from medical school on stating that he was a Muslim first and an American second. Well HOOAH for that . . . said with extreme sarcasm . . . religion and military duty aside for a moment, the Hippocratic Oath required of ALL medical doctors when they receive their diploma to practice medicine, clearly states : "Thou shalt do NO harm."

Now I am hearing a number of radical Muslims coming out to condone what Major Hasan has done, and stating that it is prescribed by the Q'uron. That one cannot be a follower of Islam AND a member of the United States Armed Forces at the same time. Even our Christian bible tell us to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
I am a Christian. When last on active duty I was an 06 (full Colonel). Of course God is my co-pilot to coin a phrase, however, I also took an oath to protect and defend the United States and to obey all lawful orders.

As with 9/11, I am hearing no loud outcry from the majority of practicing Muslims about how wrong it is/was for members of their religion to take these kinds of terrorist steps.

Since Major Hasan obviously disagrees with the priorities of practically every NCO and Officer of the U.S. Armed Forces, I think it is way past time for the government, and our military to deport ALL followers of Islam OUT of the United States and to somewhere in the Middle East . . . where is their problem, just out of the United States and good riddance.

More that the U.S. Army Investigating team has learned about Major Hasan . . . Over a period of several months recently he would a well known private 'strip club' nearby, that charges a $15 cover charge for each visit. The manager of the facility confirmed that Major Hasan was a frequent visitor and used his military ID to gain entrance along with the fee. He was known to stay for six to seven hours taking in the scenery.

Now, having served as an NCO and an Officer in the United States Army myself, I know that it is up to us to set an example for others. Do NCOs and Officers ever get drunk? Of course we did, but NOT on duty, and hopefully always in a discrete manner. Would anyone wearing the grade of Major frequent a strip club? I surely would hope not, no officer under MY command ever would I can guarantee you of that.

So these are my ideas about those of the Muslim faith. I know of no other religion whose doctrine and leadership book (read bible for instance) would espouse killing all members of another religion. From what I have learned in speaking to people, we have more in common with Jews (Hebrews) Buddists, Hindus, Native Americans, et al, and certainly none of the above mentioned religions require it's advocates to commit murder on behalf of their god.

The United States needs to follow the lead of Australia and make it quite obvious that members of the Islamic faith are not welcome. If they don't like it, find another country in which to live. Of course the United States will NEVER take this kind of action. Look at the twelve million plus illegal Mexicans we have in our country. They too, should all be deported. I'm sick and tired of hearing the feds say "We can't find them all and there are too many to deport." Well, dammit, they got here didn't they? Make an effort, find them, and escort them along with the Muslims, out of our country.

This is supposed to be the 'great melting pot' where people of all races, religions and beliefs can come and live and proper together. That does not mean a freedom to take over our nation or to commit acts of terrorism.

This is all that I have to say. Feel free to disagree and let me know. Thank you.

Greg said...

For the first time since 1775, enemy combatents are being extended the constitutional rights of a US citizen by Obama-Holder, rather than being tried by military tribunals as was the case from General Washinton through Bush-43, and upheld by the Supreme Court.

This is not insanity or accidental, but rather part of the Obamunist agenda. The decision to try Kalid sheik Mohammed in federal District Court Manhatten, and four accomplices signals the official end of the war against Moslem jihadists. Couple to this act Napolitano's previous ban of the words "war on terror", replaced by "overseas contingency operations", terrorist attack replaced by "man caused disaster", the order to Mirandize combatents taken on the battle field etc.----and we're now back to the clintonista policy of "cops and robbers" that preceeded 9-11. Hence no use of the word terrorism or moslem by Obama in conjunction with Fort Hood, but rather tragedy.

The KSM trial will be a terrorist delight, a forum for propaganda and recruitment, and the opportunity for the left and the hate america first crowd ( led by the community organizer in chief) to prosecute in the world media the "real criminals"---Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, the CIA, US military, and the pre-Obama United States !!

For three days we've already been propagandized by the media, with the non fact that KSM was waterboarded 183 times. Fact is...Kalid in interviews said it was five, and our intel guys testified it was only once, after which he "sang" faster than Jolson. So for years to come, in five trials we're about to hear about insidious torture.

Yet in 1902, when we again were fighting Moslems who committed horiffic murders in the name of Allah in the Phillipeans, Black Jack Pershing , immediately after his confession before a tribunal would have had KSM shot by firing squad and buried in a pigskin. Hear that Barak, we used to bury your clansmen in pigskins, a technique the Brits taught us. I suspect that may become vogue again after an American city is nuked.

We're about to hear about torture ad Nauseum. I urge you to read the words below of Medal of Honor Winner Bud Day, a recipient of real torture, and his critique of Obama, Holder, Mc Cain et al..........................GREG

Warrior L.A. said...

Waterboarding is on trial, not the terrorist. We live in a very deranged nation right now. And are being led by lunatics.