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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Economy

from our Conservative friend Ernest Huber, who is running for Congress in the great state of Washington:

The Economy

Most of our problems weren't acquired overnight, so they won't be fixed overnight. Realizing that, I will promote economic relief by immediately sponsoring or supporting legislation to: eliminate all capital gains, inheritance, personal and corporate income taxes and replacing them with a minimal national sales tax for most consumers (the Fair Tax); freeze then cut federal spending; cut the number and power of government employees; and balance the budget. Less money going to nonproductive government employees means more money going to productive private sector employees, job creation, and more freedom. Government employees do not deserve our money, or to run our businesses. When the money goes away, the tyrants go away. President Reagan was correct, government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem. This is not rocket science. The more someone takes from you, the poorer and less free you are.

The markets, like people, must by free to properly function. Government employees don't create jobs, they just spend our money. But they sure can destroy jobs. The more that government employees intentionally tighten their business-destroying regulatory vise, the more those businesses will fail, or leave. Those businesses go overseas, or, like Boeing, they move to another state, causing massive job losses. As your Congressman, I will oppose anyone in government who engages in regulatory economic sabotage to increase their power -- including Barack Obama and Christine Gregoire.

I will support the repeal of the economy-destroying Cap and Trade (that some RINOs voted for), TARP, stimulus plans, any Obama health plan, and all other hoax legislation.

The Internal Revenue Code and the IRS must be abolished and replaced by the national sales tax on consumption that pays only for national defense and veterans, the federal courts, Congressional operations, Presidential operations, and current social security obligations. Unfunded departments should be abolished. No other taxes should be levied. No taxes should even be considered unless justified by the combined Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, with no excluded entities, from all levels of government. The $trillion off-book government enterprise slush funds should be liquidated and the surpluses disbursed to the citizens.

"A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army...We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." ~Thomas Jefferson

The Federal Reserve is a private central banking monopoly that must be audited, then banned. In 1871, the Supreme Court ruled in Knox v. Lee that Congress could Constitutionally print debt-free money and regulate its value to fund government operations. Consequently, it's an ongoing RICO crime for federal government employees to borrow from the Federal Reserve. The crime is compounded because what is "borrowed" is valueless paper that's repaid with the wealth of our labors. This monstrous parasitic fraud results in a crushing illusory debt that is used to justify taxing and regulating us out of our economic and political freedoms for the sole purpose of unlawfully enriching and empowering criminals.

The debt owed to the Federal Reserve should be disavowed as the product of a criminal enterprise. Its owners and employees should be prosecuted as necessary, and their RICO wealth seized and redistributed to the poor. Most of our economic problems and taxes will vanish after the Federal Reserve is dissolved, and we start Constitutionally funding our government. A money supply that we print and regulate to pay for our interest-free and fairly valued goods and services under a balanced budget can never cause debt or inflation, and will result in no taxation. It will unleash enormous prosperity and freedom. As your Congressman, that will be my ultimate economic goal.

"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and
the bankers to the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest
foe." ~Abraham Lincoln

Central banking and some variant of communism is a two-edged sword that has been used by whack jobs for centuries to disorient, disempower, enslave and destroy countless millions from all political parties. We vastly outnumber our adversaries. The only power they hold over us is psychological. One way to stop them is through free and fair elections.

However...fiscal conservatism is amoral and can be deadly without social conservatism. The administration of dictatorships, slavery, gulags, and genocide can be fiscally conservative. Freedom is about morals, not money. That's why the ideology of social conservatism matters. So let's talk about it.

Ernest Huber

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