Support the Border Sheriffs

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


1 comment:

Bill M said...

Bush relented on his "nuclear option" gambit, tried to play bi-partisanship with those wonderful street-fighters, and GOP withheld the action. Recall what followed: a period when total BDS [Bush Derangement Syndrome] in full display leading up to the 2006 election. Democrat Power at any cost.

But in these clips, they all sound like James Madison don't they? Remember that even Satan is a scriptural scholar. These Progressives are really good at spouting their propaganda about the Constitutional System ... until they are in power.

Naked hypocrisy: A 51 majority to impose a socialist health-care system that is not wanted by voters. In their zeal to impose the Holy Grail of Progressivism, the Social-Democrat Party will over-reach. There may not even be a Democrat Party majority for a generation if they go through with this.

Don't buy the fallacy that these two major parties are alike... it does not wash.