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Thursday, October 15, 2009


-Video: Robert Reich Reveals Obama’s Lies on Health Reform

Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under Clinton and more recently an Obama economic adviser, has been all over the media lately shilling for ObamaCare. The public option is no more dangerous than a box of puppies according to this professionally produced video featuring Reich. (I won’t embed it but it’s worth a quick watch.) The real injustice, according to Reich, is that political operatives like us are trying to “confuse and scare” people about change.
So perhaps he can explain for us his comments in the video below. Reich is
speaking at a Colloquium on Political Science at UC Berkeley on Sept. 26, 2007. No other set-up is necessarywatch : video

UPDATE: Robert Reich Responds to VS Video…

UPDATE: Video: Rep. Schakowsky Admits Goal of Healthcare Reform is to Destroy Private Insurance Industry

UPDATE: John Edwards More Honest Than Obama on Health Reform!? Verum Serum

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