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Thursday, October 15, 2009


-Under Obama, Regulatory Agencies Step Up Enforcement -
Now Cheerios? I do believe we are less free in American now than we would be in China. Obama's regime regulating more and more of our daily lives. What happened to our beautiful nation? WHAT HAVE WE DONE ELECTING THESE TYRANNICAL MARXIST ZOMBIES?

UPDATE: Wellness Incentives Could Create Health-Care Loophole


joyce said...

We have less rights every day in our Nanny State. This government only respects and cooperates with Big Unions. Wish that taxpayers could form our own union and assert the same amount of pressure on govt that teamsters do. Threaten to shut down the country if they don't do things OUR way.

Girl with the punch! said...

I was born in liberty and I will die in liberty! My inspiration comes from the real men who founded this country! They too loved and in some instances died for liberty.

Warrior L.A. said...

It's so sad that these bozos are destroying our freedoms and our Constitution that so many bled and died for A crying shame. I don't see how they , of all Americans, can stomach it.

Kati said...

From what I've understood, if this healthcare plan gets passed, the taxes and other methods of collecting the money would begin - but, the program itself wouldn't start until 2013. It was mentioned today that gas prices are back on the rise - and there was a discussion about the increase in taxes on junk food - of all kinds....from soft drinks, chips, candy, etc. - anything that the government thinks isn't healthy. O'Reilly was talking about that tonight - and ironically, when taxes were raised by about $10 on a carton of cigarettes, the same ones who were rejoicing over that are now worried that their favorite junk foods will suffer a similar fate. The Plan also ncludes "deterrents" in lifestyle - which would control what a person does in their personal life by introducing financial incentives to stop doing certain things or face higher premiums. So, government will be controlling nearly everything a person does or doesn't do. It's supposed to be a free country....... ?