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Friday, October 23, 2009

THE OBAMA FILES (89 of them!!)

The Obama Files are a complete list of Obama's ties to Communism and Marxism. It outlines his background, his training and education that makes him far more than far left. Go to this link and look to the left hand side column entitled “The Obama Files.” The so called main media had this information in 2008, but refused to cover it. Oddly, so did FOX News, but also did not expose this information. Still more oddly, neither need the Republican Party. This can lead one to believe that even the Republican Party has been to far infiltrated with people that do not want the Constitution to be the controlling document of Federal Government. Scary is an understatement. The only hope for American is Americans that remain faithful to Freedom and the Constitution that make that possible. We must get this information out to every Patriot of American.

*Hat tip to CJ's Corner

-Obama-file 1 Forget Islam-Look at Obama's Socialism!
-Obama-file 2 Barack Obama Was Endorsed by ChicagoNew Zeal
-Obama-file 3 Socialist Unionists Endorse Barack Obama
Obama-file 4 Obama Was Endorsed by Far Left "New Party"
Obama-file 5 Barack Obama Courted Chicago Marxists, Peace
-Obama-file 6 Bolshevik Barbara Bolsters Obama
Obama-file 7 Barack Obama and the Democratic Socialists of America
Obama-file 8 Baltimore Communists Back Obama
Obama-file 9 US Communists Explain Backing For Barack Obama
Obama-file 10 Barack Obama and the Socialist "Mafia"
Obama-file 11 Communists Muster Latino Vote for Barack Obama
Obama-file 12 Jan Schakowsky-Barack Obama's Loyal Socialist Supporter
Obama-file 13 Top Communist Not Fooled By Obama's Critics
Obama-file 14 Socialist Led Mega-Union Backs Barack Obama
Obama-file 15 Socialist Octagenarians for Barack
Obama-file 16 Barack Obama and the Legacy of Harold Washington
Obama-file 17 Major Union Federation Endorses Barack Obama-More Socialist Links
Obama-file 18 Will Obama Be the Communist Party's "People's President"?
Obama-file 19 Obama '08 "All the Way With DSA" New Zeal:
-Obama-file 20 Young Communist League Backs Barack Obama-Again
Obama-file 21 Top Communist Criss-Crosses the US for Obama
Obama file 22 Barack Obama, Danny K Davis and the Marxist New Party
Obama file 23 Alice Palmer-Obama's Soviet Sympathising Patroness
Obama-file 24 Obama's Major Socialist Supporter
Obama File 25 CCDS Marxist-Leninists Come Out for Obama
-Obama File 26 William McNary, Yet Another Obama Radical?
-Obama File 27 Reds, Radicals, Terrorists and Traitors-Progressives For Obama
-Obama File 28 Top US Communist-Elect Obama "Go On to Change the World"
-Obama File 29 Senior US Socialist Jose LaLuz, Manipulates Latino Vote for Obama
-Obama File 30 Former Terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Involved in Key Pro-Obama Organisation


UDATE: Adding my own link to Communist mentor Frank Davis...Obama’s Communist Mentor

1 comment:

Jerry said...

A lot of good information for the archive in there!