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Friday, July 23, 2010

THE JOURNOLIST- in all it's ugly awful fascism.

-American Thinker Blog: The unbearable whiteness of being on Journolist (important update)
*Hat tip to Dodie
in all it's ugly awful fascism. Keep these names handy so you know whose columns NEVER to trust again.

Great job, Mr. Lifson at American Thinker!

-American Thinker Blog: New additions make for 107 Journolist names there are supposed to be over 400 of them and it's still being investigated.
-YouTube - Journolist a light-hearted look at a VERY SERIOUS problem


Kan said...

So this is the inner circle at the Ministry of Truth? This is great. And it needs to be circulated widely and extensively. Everyone should know that all these creeps are responsible for the death of mainstream journalism and they're all a bunch of fakes.

carolyn said...


Warrior L.A. said...

you will notice that a lot of the names of this cabal of activists are Jewish. Not all, but alot. Seculars, I'm sure. I know the type. Went to college with a lot of them and got into arguments with them too.

Warrior L.A. said...

Very astute observations, Kati.

Bill said...

Is this the Fourth Estate?

Mug shots of the members on the now infamous "Journolist." Some are well known, most are not. All are self-loathing "Americans." These politicians parading as journalists have violated journalistic ethics and actively worked as campaigners to a.) Destroy Sarah Palin, b.) Ridicule John McCain [admittedly not a difficult task], c.) Elect Barack Obama, d.) Prepare America to become a new Socialist Country through concerted media brainwashing.

They are cranking up for October as if they have not been caught. It will be interesting to see if they are de-fanged. They have no shame, no honesty, and no integrity. At best, they are so blinded by the Kool-aid they drink, that they really believe the stuff they peddle. I'd wager that none of them have owned a business, or ever really worked for a living or experienced any real hardship in their lives. They seem to have had a lot of time on their hands to perform this perfidy.

This was done to fulfill their wildest ideological fantasy dreams. Inspired by their Marxist college professors who hold Tenured and Emeritus positions everywhere but a few conservative colleges and the Service Academies, they snuck one of their own into the White House and very many into Congress over the years. This is the Lefts version of Fantasy Football in real-time. This was their one and only shot to elect Manchurian candidates to both halls of Congress and the Presidency, and to try to flood them onto the Supreme court.

Their frontal assault has hit its High Water mark. The Union still stands and still occupies the High Ground, but they came close. They passed three major pieces of outlandish statist legislation [Stimulus, Healthcare, Financial Reform], they have purposely driven the economy into the ground to create the permanent underclass [as if on New Deal disaster was not enough], and Justice Kennedy has decided to remain on the court to prevent the appointment of another activist-statist like Sotomayor and Kagan to the High Court.

I trust the American people have had enough of a taste of totalitarian-style big government, non-results, and pyscho-babble "tolerance" for a lifetime. If not, there will be a slim chance of ever restoring any semblance of a Constitutional Republic.

And, Oh ... By the way... If in any part of my service career as an Officer in the Regular Armed Forces, had I spoken to any political group, and made any remarks remotely similar to Ms Shirley Sherrod's comments about Bush, or race-baiting, or anything political, I would have been Court-Martialed for violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act specifically prohibits such activities. Double standard? You decide. Such is the nature of racial animus that Obama allows to continue without calling for an end to it from his bully pulpit, IMHO. But if he prefers to let it go, like the sorcerer's apprentice, he wont be able to put the genie back in the bottle.

I do not believe in coincidence or innocence in politics.

Bush & Cheney took the blame for everything, and never fought back against the big lies and smear of these "Journolists."

Obama lives the Big Lie and never takes responsibility for anything, unless the "Journolists" are online to absolve him on the spot. Thank God for the comedic relief of the absurd statements provided by Alfred E. Biden.

Bill said...

Is this the Fourth Estate?

Mug shots of the members on the now infamous "Journolist." Some are well known, most are not. All are self-loathing "Americans." These politicians parading as journalists have violated journalistic ethics and actively worked as campaigners to a.) Destroy Sarah Palin, b.) Ridicule John McCain [admittedly not a difficult task], c.) Elect Barack Obama, d.) Prepare America to become a new Socialist Country through concerted media brainwashing.

They are cranking up for October as if they have not been caught. It will be interesting to see if they are de-fanged. They have no shame, no honesty, and no integrity. At best, they are so blinded by the Kool-aid they drink, that they really believe the stuff they peddle. I'd wager that none of them have owned a business, or ever really worked for a living or experienced any real hardship in their lives. They seem to have had a lot of time on their hands to perform this perfidy.

This was done to fulfill their wildest ideological fantasy dreams. Inspired by their Marxist college professors who hold Tenured and Emeritus positions everywhere but a few conservative colleges and the Service Academies, they snuck one of their own into the White House and very many into Congress over the years. This is the Lefts version of Fantasy Football in real-time. This was their one and only shot to elect Manchurian candidates to both halls of Congress and the Presidency, and to try to flood them onto the Supreme court.

Their frontal assault has hit its High Water mark. The Union still stands and still occupies the High Ground, but they came close. They passed three major pieces of outlandish statist legislation [Stimulus, Healthcare, Financial Reform], they have purposely driven the economy into the ground to create the permanent underclass [as if on New Deal disaster was not enough], and Justice Kennedy has decided to remain on the court to prevent the appointment of another activist-statist like Sotomayor and Kagan to the High Court.

I trust the American people have had enough of a taste of totalitarian-style big government, non-results, and pyscho-babble "tolerance" for a lifetime. If not, there will be a slim chance of ever restoring any semblance of a Constitutional Republic.

And, Oh ... By the way... If in any part of my service career as an Officer in the Regular Armed Forces, had I spoken to any political group, and made any remarks remotely similar to Ms Shirley Sherrod's comments about Bush, or race-baiting, or anything political, I would have been Court-Martialed for violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act specifically prohibits such activities. Double standard? You decide. Such is the nature of racial animus that Obama allows to continue without calling for an end to it from his bully pulpit, IMHO. But if he prefers to let it go, like the sorcerer's apprentice, he wont be able to put the genie back in the bottle.

I do not believe in coincidence or innocence in politics.

Bush & Cheney took the blame for everything, and never fought back against the big lies and smear of these "Journolists."

Obama lives the Big Lie and never takes responsibility for anything, unless the "Journolists" are online to absolve him on the spot. Thank God for the comedic relief of the absurd statements provided by Alfred E. Biden.

rachel said...

This story just keeps getting bigger...but the media won't report on themselves as conspirators. The Irony is rich.

Darrell said...

These "new age" journolists (they can't even spell) lie, they cheat and they steal....and they rationalize because it's for their "progressive" ends and "for the greater good." They are just like Middle Eastern Islamic radicals...they do exactly the same thing as our "new age" journolists of I guess you can say we have "jihadists" journolists.......

Warrior L.A. said...

Well, said, Darrell.