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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

-Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

At the Earth Summit, 178 nations signed an agreement called Agenda 21—so called because it dealt with the United Nation’s agenda for the 21st century.
It consists of numerous chapters detailing the role that different parts of society should play in implementing “
sustainable development.” There are chapters for central governments, local governments, businesses, and community organizations.


Kati said...

This is why there's such a mad attempt to shove some type of public option through .... it's a key part of their Plan. I'm wondering how many in the CFR are also part of the group mentioned in this article - or if they're all the same since they have supported globalization. Nobody believed me when I said globalization was intended to bring America down...and here we are.

joyce said...

You called it from the beginning. All the theories that sounded like conspiracy theories didn't even scratch the surface of how underhanded and long term their plans have been in the making.