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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did you know ACORN only defunded for ONE Month??

-Rep. Bachmann Exposes Federal ACORN Refunding - Video - YouTube

-the Kansas Citian: SHOCK: Federal Funding for ACORN to Return

According to Michele Bachmann, Pelosi and ACORN are targetting her for defeat in 2010 because they have access to a ton of money. While talking about this, she mentioned that Americans don't know that ACORN only defunded for ONE Month!!! Does anyone know about this?? Why are we only hearing about this now? And from the little research I did, why is only Michele Bachmann sounding the alarm????


Micky T. said...

Is this a bunch of BS or what? Is Michele Bachmann the ONLY senator that has the guts to speak out? This entiere Congress is so arrogant! EVERYONE of them should be voted out of office! NOT ONE - 'cept Michele Bachmann is worth a plug nickle. And now they want to destroy her? I am not wealthy, but I WILL try and send some money to her campaign to keep her in office! All those MEN there in Congress should be ashamed of themselves!! I'm writing and sending faxes as quick as I can. What good it does....who knows!
I'm so hoping mad right now !!!

Micky T.

Anonymous said...

Just sent the info and link to Glenn Beck and no doubt FOX and talk radio will be all over this tomorrow. I don't know how any of the legislators can stand up and talk about other country's governments being corrupt and keep a straight face when they're up to their ears in their own lies and deceitful $hit as they are.

Warrior Memphis said...

They have gotten so filthy corrupt that they blatantly commit crimes with the knowledge they are above the law, as the judges are just as corrupt...I wonder if they realize, as they send this country down the river, eventually they'll be in the same boat?

rachel said...

They have all stolen enough money, that is probably stowed off shore near the island they bought for themselves. They will jump ship just before we hit the ice berg.