-Question of the Day: Can you commit to a full month of making Ben Nelson’s life a living Hell? « HillBuzz
ouch! Dirty fighters. We need some of those on our side for a change. Even if they ARE Hillary people. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We can't keep coming to the gunfight with knives and expect to survive.
*hat tip to Dodie
From opensecrets.org here are his top 20 donors. The first number is the total amount from each company, the second number is the portion form individuals, and the third number is from PACS. This is for the period 2009-2010.
1 Indyne Inc $58,435 $58,435 $0
2 Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson $57,075 $43,700 $13,375
3 Greenberg Traurig LLP $56,763 $47,913 $8,850
4 Baron & Budd $42,830 $42,830 $0
5 Comcast Corp $39,650 $27,150 $12,500
6 Holland & Knight $39,097 $26,800 $12,297
7 Kasowitz, Benson et al $37,400 $37,400 $0
8 Southern Wine & Spirits $35,000 $27,000 $8,000
9 Brown & Brown Insurance $33,800 $33,800 $0
10 Next Generation $33,603 $32,850 $753
11 CSX Corp $32,650 $17,650 $15,000
12 Simmons Cooper LLC $31,600 $31,600 $0
13 PMA Group $31,213 $30,213 $1,000
14 St Joe Co $30,800 $30,800 $0
15 Stanford Financial Group $30,600 $30,600 $0
16 Morgan & Morgan $30,150 $30,150 $0
17 DLA Piper $30,000 $20,000 $10,000
18 Scruggs Law Firm $29,400 $29,400 $0
19 Williams Bailey Law Firm $29,300 $29,300 $0
20 Harris Corp $29,250 $24,250 $5,000
Start writing!
john Holmgren posted videos
4 years ago
1 comment:
The guys at hillbuzz have gotten their readers to do research on who contributes to Ben Nelson and then to contact his contributors. They are using the "Al Sharpton" method. The readers have posted a whole bunch of good information as to where he gets his money. I am going to do my small part. I think they are right. Make this whore pay for what he did. The rest will get the message. When you get a chance take a look at his donors and see if you can take the time to do a little harassing. This should be fun. I wonder if he gets those cheap hair rugs donated?
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