Support the Border Sheriffs

Friday, February 19, 2010


*Hat tip to Karin

1 comment:

Karin said...

THAT is the result. I have seen it myself. the school of our Church in Wheaton, MD, where my grand daughters went and my daughter still teaches, graduated their last white student two years ago - my youngest granddaughter's class. now all the students are either hispanic with a few blacks sprinkled in. they still teach English, but as second language.
mind you - these students do not speak Spanish either, whatever it is they are speaking.
and NONE OF THEM PAYS FULL TUITION> some pay a little. the teachers had to take pay cuts. my daughter is leaving, she speaks three languages but refuses to "learn" Spanish to accommodate these people.

the principal at our school here in Pinehurst is from California - I knew it was a mistake to hire him! - has arranged for 12 mexican students from other parishes to attend our school: they are picked up by private car, one that was donated to the cause, every morning, and stay in school until 6 pm every afternoon, with supervised home work. then delivered back to the parents. all of these kids get remedial training - at the expense of the others, of course. so far none of these students has paid a penny for this. and the school bears the cost of the insurance and gasoline of the car, pays the teacher who takes care of them and drives them.
do they learn anything? no! on of the mothers told me to learn their language so I can understand her kid! I responded: "You are here illegally since how long (it turned out she went to school here 20 years ago and still does not speak the language), you pay no taxes and you refuse to learn out language. why should I?" I was told by the principal that I should not say that. I told him to fly a kite and walked out. and with me three other volunteers.