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Monday, November 9, 2009


-Lesson of Fort Hood Jihad.......... Army Chief General Casey fears backlash for Muslim US soldiers - Atlas Shrugs

Speculation could potentially heighten backlash against
some of our Muslim soldiers and what happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.

Diversity as a casualty would be an "even greater tragedy" than the casualties of this act of war on American soil. I cannot believe what I am reading. It was not a tragedy, it was an terrorist attack. This is Obama's military command?

UPATE: Army Chaplain Seeks Prayers for Fort Hood Shooter pu-lease.

UPDATE: Fort Hood's 9/11 by Colonel Ralph Peters (who makes more sense than General Casey!)

UPDATE: Hasan Wanted to Die a Muslim Martyr

*thanks to patriots Greg and Bill M for their links.

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