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Monday, November 9, 2009

Repost: Obama Appoints two 'Devout Muslims' to homeland security posts

YIKES! After Fort Hood maybe Janet No-clue-itano will give a second thought to these two appointments. Wait......she and Obozo didn't learn anything from having Maj. Nidal Hasan on their Homeland Security transition team, why would we expect them to do anything about these two.
Obama Appoints two 'Devout Muslims' to homeland security posts. Doesn't this make you feel safer already?

OBAMA APPOINTMENT: Arif Alikhan, Asst Secretary DHS - Atlas Shrugs

-American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: After Ten Years of Service, ADC Congratulates Kareem Shora for Appointment as DH...
*hat tip to Jeanne

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