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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Constitution

-YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural rights Patriot Act - Part 3 of 3

He's very good. And if you want to hear about our other rights under the Constitution, tune in to these also:
-YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Q&A Part 1 of 2

-YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Q&A Part 2 of 2
*hat tip to Carolyn


Ernest said...

The judge is great

Dave said...

I cannot recommend highly enough that each and every one of you watch and listen to this message. I am in total agreement, and in 2010 and 2012 I am voting AGAINST each and every incumbent in every office in which I am allowed to vote, without regard for party or affiliation. This has gone much to far. As a veteran I can tell you that this is NOT what I served to protect and defend. This is the sort of thing we used to say 'Not on my watch!' Alright, now you know how I feel, watch and listen and make up your own minds.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of where your images of justice lie - you MUST watch this in it's entirety. IF you can look at yourself in a mirror (after watching it), and still believe the Government's rhetoric (regardless of party affiliation), then my friend... you are hollow inside.

If you are angry after listening to the Justice - then take up your flags, and wield your votes like swords - drown the politicians in a sea of their own bullshit, and vote them not only OUT.... but away.